Hawaiian Traditional Spiritual Teachings Healing Touch Lomi Lomi Massage Training Retreats
Lomi Lomi Hot Stone Courses
Luna Ho'oponopono

About me
E komo Mai
My name is Christina and I warmly welcome you to Lomi Lomi Diva.
I offer Hawaiian traditional ancestral Spiritual teachings, Lomi Lomi healing touch massage training, HeartWorks Hot stone massage traiing & Hawaiian healing Ho'oponopono as a (luna ho'oponopono) - (forgiveness, forgetting, remembering and putting things right...very very right).
I am passionate about making a positive impact on myself and others.
By developing and growing myself I can offer the experience of this to others.
Walking the talk and being congruent is really important to me.
Wellbeing is our birthright and with the Hawaiian way of being, there are the teachings that provide a path that can bring you back to that which is not seperate, but complete and connected. Surrendering, allowing the good to come from that which is unseen and unheard to physical form, by living mindfully and in alignment, and in Aloha and Pono we can make the contributions to the world that as a sacred being, only we can make.
And then enjoying the abundance of all things in this Universe that you'll receive in return.
About my Hawaiian journey
My first introduction into my lomi lomi massage training was in 2006, with Sue Lee of 'Ili Ili Stones', where I learnt Heart works Lomi Lomi hot stone massage.
I trained with Tania Hodder of 'Touch of Aoha' in 2006, where I leant Lomi Lomi Massage, levels 1 & 2.
In 2010 I travelled to Hawaii and attended 'Kino Mana' levels 4 & 5 with Susan Floyd (Aloha International) on the Big Island.
I went to Hawaii with the purpose of unfolding what needed to be uncovered to become a teacher of Lomi Lomi and to get permission to teach this sacred form of massage.
In my initial training I had begun to sense that something was missing in my Hawaiian healing journey, a gap in what I had come to know..
So when my path collided with that of 'Kumu Pa'a Lawrence Kalainia Kamani Aki', of 'Mana O Molokai' and Kumu Pa'a Kawika Foster, of 'Mana O Kahiko' it was like a I could see the light and the truth, and from this chance encounter I have come to know the knowledge and the wisdom (ike), of the Ancient Traditional Spiritual foundational teachings that have been passed down from the Ancestors of Halawa Valley Molokai HI.
It was a "ah ha" moment, when I realised that what they were teaching was the real deal and something that I could learn in order to have a strong unshakable foundation & connection to the Spiritual Realms and all things in this Universe (and beyond - seen and unseen, known and un-known) and all that it encompasses.
I have been studying the Hawaiian Spiritual teachings with Kumu Pa'a Lawrence & Kumu Pa'a Kawika Foster, since 2014.
Kumu Pa'a Lawrence is the 50th in the linage, with Kumu Pa'a Kawika being the 51st.
I have been studying with both of these Kumus', and have done many retreats, courses and online trainings with them.
Kumu Pa'a Lawrence always says and I quote "don't come come to me with your beliefs, your opinions, your viewpoint or with what you think. I'm interested in what you have come to KNOW".
The sacred container that we build through the pillars, the knowledge, and the protocols, is what we learn first for the Lomi Lomi Healing Touch massage practice.
It is like putting the sacred confines in place for protection, guidance and support.
By knowing and understanding that Spirit comes first and with Pule (prayer), we enter into that of the sacredness of healing with touch.
With that of "Na Akua, Na Aumakua and Po'e Kahiko". (Higher Being, spiritual guides and the Ancestors), we move into alignment to do the work that needs to be done, in order to bring about healing.
My introduction into Holistic therapies began with a qualification in Homoeopathy in 1994, followed by qualifying as a Naturopath in 2012, a reflexologist, in 2012, Dru Yoga teacher in 2018, the study of Bio-Dynamics (Steiner) in 1997, and many other modalities including, Reiki 1 & 2, Spiritual healing course in Uluru, Tony Robbins, Inner Peace Movement courses and many more.
Everything I have studied has contributed to have a well rounded, integral and holistic approach to healing and unconditional love (Aloha), for all things in this Universe.
As long as I can remember I have been looking for natural and holistic ways to treat my children, grandchildren and others. Ways of medicine that don't cause harm.
My invitation to you!
Invitation to join us as we explore what healing really is.
As we explore and experience the foundations of the Ancient Hawaiian Spiritual teachings, we can come to know that healing is not required, because in the healing realms the healing is already done.
Through training in Lomi lomi and Hot stone massage, you will be immersed in the teachings and surrounded by the healing realms.
Lomi lomi is an integral part of a much larger healing process that the ancestors developed🌈
Check the events and come join us on this healing journey.
When you come to a place of knowing, you can’t go back because “YOU KNOW “
HAWAIIAN teachings - Lomi Lomi Healing Touch Massage Training & Lomi Lomi Hot Stone Massage Training
Ho'oponopono sessions (Luna Executioner)